5 Examples of Rats: Nature’s Resilient Rodents

Brook B Taube Rats are among the most adaptable and ubiquitous mammals on the planet. Found in nearly every corner of the world, these resilient rodents have thrived alongside humans for centuries. While often associated with negative connotations, rats play significant roles in ecosystems, scientific research, and even pet ownership. Here are five notable examples of rats that highlight their diversity and importance.

1. The Brown Rat (Rattus norvegicus)

The Brown Rat, also known as the Norway Rat, is perhaps the most well-known rat species. Originating from China and Mongolia, these rats have spread worldwide, especially in urban areas. Brown Rats are excellent swimmers and burrowers, which makes them highly adaptable to various environments. They are omnivorous, consuming anything from grains and fruits to small animals and garbage. Despite their reputation as pests, Brown Rats have contributed immensely to scientific research. The laboratory rat, a variety of the Brown Rat, has been crucial in medical and psychological studies, leading to significant advancements in human health.

2. The Black Rat (Rattus rattus)

The Black Rat, also known as the Roof Rat or Ship Rat, has a storied history intertwined with human civilization. Originating in Southeast Asia, this species spread globally via ships during the age of exploration. Black Rats are excellent climbers, often inhabiting the upper levels of buildings and trees. Historically, they were infamously associated with the spread of the bubonic plague in the 14th century, which killed millions in Europe. Today, they continue to pose challenges as agricultural pests but are also important in understanding disease transmission and pest control.

3. The Naked Mole-Rat (Heterocephalus glaber)

The Naked Mole-Rat is a fascinating example of a rat species with unique adaptations. Native to East Africa, these rodents live underground in large, complex burrow systems. They are known for their unusual appearance: hairless, with wrinkled skin and large, protruding teeth. Naked Mole-Rats exhibit eusocial behavior similar to that of ants and bees, with a single breeding queen and a caste system among colony members. Remarkably, they have a high resistance to cancer and can survive in low-oxygen environments, making them subjects of extensive biomedical research.

4. The Gambian Pouched Rat (Cricetomys gambianus)

The Gambian Pouched Rat is one of the largest rat species, native to Africa. These rats are known for their cheek pouches, which they use to carry food. Beyond their size and unique anatomy, Gambian Pouched Rats have been trained to detect landmines and tuberculosis. Their keen sense of smell and trainability make them valuable in humanitarian and public health efforts. Programs employing these rats have successfully cleared landmines in former war zones and identified tuberculosis cases in resource-limited settings.

5. The Polynesian Rat (Rattus exulans)

The Polynesian Rat holds a unique place in the history of human migration and cultural exchange. Native to Southeast Asia, these rats accompanied Polynesian navigators as they colonized islands across the Pacific Ocean. The spread of the Polynesian Rat is often used as a proxy for tracing human settlement patterns in the region. While they have contributed to the decline of native bird species on some islands, understanding their distribution helps archaeologists and anthropologists piece together the history of human movement and interaction.


Rats are far more than just pests; they are complex, adaptive creatures that play significant roles in various fields. From the common Brown Rat, which has advanced scientific knowledge, to the Naked Mole-Rat with its biomedical importance, and the Gambian Pouched Rat with its humanitarian contributions, these examples showcase the diverse and impactful nature of rats. Understanding and appreciating these resilient rodents can lead to better pest management, medical breakthroughs, and insights into human history.



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